ACM Group 2012 - unfortunately it is over but Group'14 is coming soon

The ACM Group12 International conference is over - what a pity! Around 100 participants from many different countries and different research communities met again. Topics were covered from Information Science, CSCW, organizational learning, knowledge management and CSCL. Have a look here and see the program . When using the Twitter hashtag #group2012 you find interesting discussions.
The closing panel (organized by Sean Goggins, Drexel University and Isa Jahnke, Umeå University, Sweden) was about CSCL@Work where Gerry Stahl, Drexel University, Anders Morch, University of Oslo, Norway and Thomas Herrmann, University of Bochum, Germany discussed the challenges, theories and methodologies of CSCL at work (Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning at the Workplace) and its potentials for the next ACM Group conferences. The Group conferences are one great opportunity to bridge work and learning, to bridge CSCL and CSCW.
After the conference is before the next conference...
already started with planning ACMGroup14 -- the 18th International
conference on Supporting Group Work and Learning :-) The new website is
coming soon. Please join us on our Facebook group The general conference chairs of ACM Group 2014 are Sean Goggins, Drexel University and Isa Jahnke, Umeå University together with the paper/program chairs David McDonald, University of Washington and Pernille Bjorn, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
A great team!