Alexander Nolte: STWT and SeeMe Workshop - Join us!

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In the week from 24 October to 28 October 2016, Dr. Alexander Nolte visits our IE Lab and offers trainings for SeeMe and the method of the SocioTechnical Walkthrough (STWT).
SeeMe is a modelling
software developed by the team of Professor Dr. Thomas Herrmann, IMTM,
University of Bochum, Germany. Further information and download SeeMe:
Alexander also presents his research in the area of sociotechnical design.
- Presentation on Wednesday, 26 October 2016, 4.15pm-5.15pm
- London Hall: Conference Room
Title of his presentation:
"Supporting sustained collaboration over time - A socio-technical approach"
Research on computer supported collaboration has gone
through multiple paradigm shifts over the past decades. Starting out by
focussing on systems for collocated meeting support the increasing
geographic disparity of people along with the inevitable distribution of
knowledge led to a stronger focus on distributed collaboration. Tools
like Skype, GoogleDocuments and Wikis emerged with the aim to support
distributed collaboration. The characteristics of face-to-face
collaboration however cannot be efficiently transferred to online
settings. This led to another paradigm shift towards hybrid
collaboration scenarios in which collocated and distributed
collaboration are intertwined. Examples for such scenarios are hackathon
and edit-a-thon events - events during which people interested in a
certain topic engage in a day of intense collaboration. Other examples
are regular meetings in organizational contexts in which e.g. new
designs are discussed and refined. Hybrid collaboration scenarios like
these that focus on long-term collaboration however face the challenge
of sustaining participation and collaboration after face-to-face
meetings. Facing this challenge, we aim at creating a socio-technical
approach that intertwines organizational means with suitable
technological means to support sustained collaboration over time in
hybrid collaboration settings.
About Alexander Nolte.
He is a visiting researcher at the
School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh and a
post-doctoral researcher at the Department Information and Technology
Management (IMTM) at the Ruhr-University Bochum,
Germany. He holds a master's degree in computer science and a Ph.D. in
information systems. His research interest is on understanding how
information technology can be leveraged to support collaboration. In
this context, he specializes in socio-technical approaches that sparkle
creativity, foster innovation and scaffold collaboration. His work has
been published in journals and conferences in the fields of Computer
Supported Cooperative Work, Human-Computer Interaction and Information
Systems. Website