Call for Contribution - CSCL 2017 - Workshop: Tablet-Mediated Collaborative Learning and Teaching #TMCL2017

Do you remember? We met 2 years ago at CSCL 2015. This was our first workshop on #TMCL, Tablet-Mediated Collaborative Learning /
Time is running :-) Now, we got a follow up workshop at CSCL 2017! Do you want to join us again? That would be awesome!
See the Call for Contributions on our new website. If you know others that might be interested joining us, please forward it
- New: 2017
- Due date: May 1, 2017
- Tablets/iPads in Education
Emergent Practices and Material Conditions in Tablet-Mediated Collaborative Learning and Teaching
Abstract: The way in which digital technologies take part and contribute to configuring teaching and collaborative learning practices has become a timely research matter in our field. Current studies in the CSCL field, and particularly on the use of tablets in education, draw attention to how everyday educational practices are entangled with contemporary technologies and, how these technologies shape in turn such practices, in schools and higher education. This half-day workshop aims specifically at accounting for emergent practices in tablet-mediated collaborative learning and teaching, with a particularly focus on the material conditions that constitute such practices. The workshop invites researchers, designers and practitioners to contribute and engage with in-depth analyses of the use of tablets in everyday teaching and learning, in schools and higher education. Furthermore, the workshop intends to trigger and facilitate participants to generate/propose conceptual and methodological analytical tools for examining the material conditions of tablet-mediated collaborative learning and teaching practices. The outcomes of the workshop will consist of (1) a repertoire of (identified) emergent practices bounded to the use of tablets in schools and higher education, reported by the participants, (2) a set of conceptual and analytical tools for the study of material conditions of CSCL practices and (3) a network bringing together researchers, practitioners and designers to set up a research agenda and initiate a consortium including the organization of a special issue in an International journal.
- Teresa Cerratto-Pargman, Stockholm University, Sweden,
- Isa Jahnke, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA,
- Crina Damsa, University of Oslo, Norway,
- Miguel Nussbaum, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile,
- Roger Säljö, University of Gothenburg, Sweden,