CfP: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) at the workplace learning
Call for PapersWorkshop at ACM GROUP 2012
"CSCL@Work Revisited - Beyond CSCL and CSCW" - Research, Practice, Design for Work-based Learning,
We announce an interdisciplinary workshop to explore key design
principles of collaborative learning in the workplace. The workshop's
theme is, simply "learning at the workplace", work-based learning, and
more specific "Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) at the
workplace" - CSCL@Work; CSCL at work. Our first workshop at ACM Group
2010, and the resulting book (Springer), raise an important set of
issues and potentials for research, but does not solve the thorny and
controversial issues. This second workshop will be focused on for making
progress on the identified issues.
The ACM Group conference remains an ideal venue for a workshop on this
topic because the North American and European communities who
participate in Group include leading members of the international CSCL
and CSCW communities.
Global economic upheaval framed by socially disconnected financial
commodity prices, and an increasing need for energy define the grand
social setting for this workshop. It is a time of unique peril and
opportunity that will draw upon diverse research communities for
solutions. In this context, learning is no longer an activity that is
separate from work. Learning at work is also about more than acquiring
new information to perform a task, but about developing new knowledge to
help a firm, an organization or a government improve its services in
socially measurable as well as economically measurable ways.
Three goals motivate the proposal for this workshop:
- 1) To identify and discuss key design principles (social, technical, sociotechnical, didactical/pedagogical design) of CSCL@Work, presented by the organizers and discussants.
- 2) To identify theoretical and methodological commonalities and contrasts across the represented disciplines relative to CSCL@Work.
- 3) To continue with cultivating a community who share an interest in exploring collaborative learning in the workplace.
The guiding question is:
Are There Key Design Principles for Computer Supported Collaborative Learning at the Workplace?
The workshop will be a full day (27/28 October, 2012) on Sanibel
Island/Florida. It will open with a situating presentation by the
organizers and, participant questions and proposed solutions aimed at
the issues we have raised and begun to recognize, and focus working
groups on the resolution of those issues in work to follow the
conference. The workshop is organized as a mix of brainstorming, small
group interactions and invited outstanding speakers.
Following outstanding experts will participate and present their work towards CSCL@Work:
--John Seely Brown (USA)
--Gerhard Fischer, University of Colorado at Boulder (USA),
--Thomas Herrmann, University of Bochum (Germany),
--Anders Mørch, University of Oslo (Norway),
--Rob Procter, Manchester eResearch Centre (UK),
--Gerry Stahl, Drexel University (USA),
To participate in the workshop, discussants will be asked for a
position paper of up to 4 pages due to July/31, 2012 in standard ACM
via eMail to the organizers and The contribution should include the author's
motivation, why s/he wants to attend and the connection of the author's
work or research studies to the topic of CSCL@Work.
Our edited book (Springer, in preparation) will be made available to participants in advance, and selected authors who will be present will provide overviews of their work and perspective in an interleaved way with the more action oriented working sessions.
ACM Group2012 conference, Sanibel Island/Florida
The Workshop takes place on Saturday, October 27th *or* Sunday, October 28th.Workshop ORGANIZERS
Sean Goggins (USA),
Isa Jahnke (Sweden),
Volker Wulf (Germany)