Congratulations Dr. Julia Liebscher!

On the photo: Julia Liebscher (right), Isa Jahnke (left), the sign says, "Theoretically, I can do practically anything"
"Mobile Learning and Creativity?" that was the research question and Julia Liebscher successfully defended her PhD thesis at the FernUniversiy Hagen in Germany. Professor Dr. Claudia de Witt, Professor Dr. Frank Hillebrandt, Dr. Susanne Winnerling and myself were the committee members of Julia's disputation (see photo below).
Dr. Liebscher analyzed 24 cases and asked how teachers/professors in higher education design for teaching and learning with mobile technologies such as tablets and phones . Creativity is not an explicit design element, however, university teachers use 7 other design elements (teaching goals, learning activities, social relations, assessment ,... ) and align these elements into creative didactics (kreativitaetsfoerderliche Didaktik) to foster learning 'when the answer is not known'. Mobile learning can contribute to a new way of teaching and learning , but only when the benefit of the technologies and the didaktik elements are designed in such a way that students see a benefit for their learning progress. Julia Liebscher identified three new teaching/learning concepts: Verzahntes Design (interwoven design), Gestaltendes Design (formative design), Vernetztes Design (connected design).
Is this the start for creative Digital Didactical Designs, or Mobile Didaktik ?
Liebscher, Julia (2017): Mobile Learning und Kreativität?. Eine empirische Studie über die Berücksichtigung von Kreativität im didaktischen Design für Mobile Learning in der Hochschule. Hagen 2017. FernUniversität in Hagen. Retrieved from
Congratulations again to Dr. Julia Liebscher!