DDD2015 - Symposium: Tablets in Schools


June/3-4, 2015 in Umeå, Sweden:
"Tablets in schools and higher education"

2nd Symposium

DDD2015 - Digital Didactical Designs

DDD2015 highlights the theme of
Tablet-Mediated Teaching and Learning, Wearables and Co. in Schools and Higher Education - Innovative Designs, Challenges and Unexpected Factors

The International Symposium takes place on 3-4 June 2015 organized by the DDD research group, Umeå University, Sweden. Register online at https://ddd2015.edusci.umu.se  .

Do you want to know which new teaching and learning practices emerge when schools and universities use tablets such as ipads and wearables (e.g., GoogleGlass)? Do you want to discuss new forms of innovative pedagogy?

Then, it is time to come to Umeå!

Join us at the conference on "DDD2015″ from 3-4 June 2015 in Umeå

The conference wants to initiate reflections about current understandings and new relationships of learning, teaching, pedagogy and ICT, tablets in education, in schools and higher education: What is the new normality of teaching and learning in a digital media world? Challenges and unexpected factors will be illustrated from different research studies. On Day 1, research studies around tablet-mediated classrooms, Learning Expeditions and wearable technology in the Nordic Countries will be presented and discussed. Day 2 focus on the International perspective. Learn from and discuss with international experts and researchers.

We invited, for example, Gerry Stahl (USA), Ulrich Hoppe (Germany), Yishay Mor (UK), Andreas Lund (Norway), Ilona Buchem (Germany), Staffan Selander (Sweden), Swapna Kumar (USA) and Sean P. Goggins (USA).

We are looking forward to meeting you in Umeå.

Connecting people and different research fields; sharing ideas and communities - designing opportunities for learning - this was the slogan of the 1st symposium of Interactive Media and Learning in 2011 (IML2011). We continue with this tradition in DDD2015. We want to enable a creative event where we reflect existing studies and practices around tablet-mediated learning and wearable devices in teaching and learning. We want to challenge existing practices of ICT, media and learning.

Luciano Floridi (Oxford University) makes it clear, when he wrote "we are probably the last generation that makes a clear difference between offline and online spaces" (Floridi, 2014). We call this transition the emergence of co-expanded communication spaces, in short CrossActionSpaces (Jahnke, 2015/Routledge, in press). Designing for learning does not only require the design of a physical or virtual room but opportunities for learning expeditions. Schools and universities offer access to learning processes and reflections (and not only access to information).

Previous conference

DD2015 is the second symposium organized by the group Interactive Media and Learning (IML). The first one was called IML2011. Our Facebook group is here available https://www.facebook.com/iml2011  and Watch our recorded live broadcast from our 1st symposium "IML2011" here!


Isa Jahnke (2015, September). Digital Didactical Designs - Teaching and Learning in CrossActionSpaces. New York / London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/books/details/9781138928497/