École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne = EPFL in Switzerland


École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL announces

Presentation: Prof. Isa Jahnke, Oct 31st (2013), 10:00, Room BC 410

I am very happy to visit Pierre Dillenbourg and his team at the center of "COMPUTER-HUMAN INTERACTION IN LEARNING AND INSTRUCTION = CHILI" .

Further information: https://chili.epfl.ch 

Have a look at his MOOCs research https://chili.epfl.ch/page-92244-en.html

TITLE of my presentation
Digital Didactical Designs - Designing for iPad-classrooms

The research studies on iPad-classrooms explore Digital Didactical Designs for teaching and learning in schools and teacher education. The main research question is: What kinds of digital didactical designs do teachers apply in their iPad-classrooms, how and why? Classroom observations, interviews and qualitative data were collected in K-9 schools in Odder/Demark that implemented iPads for all their 200 teachers and 2,000 students aged 6-16. Based on the theoretical framework of Digital Didactics, five patterns of Digital Didactical Designs could be explored which will be illustrated in the talk. Studying the innovative classes in detail, the teachers' digital didactical designs embrace some key principles: 1) Designing for new learning goals where more than one correct answer exists, 2) a focus on learning as a process, producing knowledge in informal-in-formal learning spaces, fostering surface and deeper learning, 3) support to make learning visible in different products (e.g., text, comics, podcasts, movies). The findings illustrate that Digital Didactical Designs are more than just the addition of Didaktik plus ICT. New kinds of Digital Didactical Designs emerged to boost sociotechnical learning.