ECTEL2013 and ECSCW2013

The 8th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning takes place in Phaphos (Cyprus) from 17 Sept- 21 Sept.
Meet us there!
a) CCL creativity and technology workshop
b) Poster presentation
Isa Jahnke, Lars Norqvist, & Andreas Olsson (2013). Digital Didactical Designs in iPad-classrooms. In: Proceedings of European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning, ECTEL 2013, 17-21 September 2013, Cyprus.
- Publication 2013_ECTEL-ijV5-Poster-V3-withref.pdf (252,2 kB)
- Poster EC-TEL2013-poster.pdf (26 MB)
c) Short paper on ECTEL2013
"The Student-Role in the One-to-One Computing Classroom: Tensions Between Teacher-Centred Learning and Student-Centred Learning" (Peter Bergström and Stina Årebrant)
d) ECTEL meets ECSCW workshop
e) Work-in-progress paper (WIP) on ECSCW2013
The European conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work takes place in Phaphos (Cyprus) from 21 Sept- 25 Sept.
Isa Jahnke, Lars Norqvist, & Andreas Olsson (2013). Designing for iPad-classrooms. In Proceedings of European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW), 21-25 September, Cyprus.
- Paper 2013-ECSCW-Jahnke-etal-V4.pdf (221,3 kB)
- Slides in Slideshare