Homo Interneticus?

"The virtual revolution -- How 20 years of the web has reshaped our lives" --- this is a BBC production, to watch here https://www.bbc.co.uk/virtualrevolution/makingofprog4.shtml or here https://urplay.se/159619
Does the Web really change how we think? How does it affect our relationships?
Are we empowered, connected and enlightened with the world's knowledge at our fingertips? Or distracted and addicted with shorter attention spans> Are our skittering brains bombarded and stupified by the 'yuck and wow' of the web? Is the web really changing us - the way we think, the way we behave, the way relate to each other? And is it for better or for worse? -- BBC
There are a lot of different stories to what extent SecondLife or Social Networking sites affect people. Here is one example, www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUnp-QSldjc&feature=related