IADIS Mobile Learning Conference

IADIS International Conference Mobile Learning 2012
Berlin, Germany
11-13 March 2012
Our presentation titled "Understanding, Reflecting and Designing Learning Spaces of Tomorrow" was on Monday March/12, 2012. Andreas Olsson, Peter Vinnervik and I did present the paper.
Here are the slides: https://www.slideshare.net/isaja/pr-isajahnkeandreaspetermobilelearning2012v3a and our IMLgroup paper
Isa Jahnke, Peter Bergström, Krister Lindwall, Eva Mårell-Olsson, Andreas Olsson, Fredrik Paulsson, Peter Vinnervik (2012). Understanding, Reflecting and Designing Learning Spaces of Tomorrow. In. I. Arnedillo Sánchez & P. Isaías (Eds.). Proceedings of IADIS Mobile Learning 2012. pp. 147-156. ISBN: 978-972-8939-66-3
Our conceptual paper describes challenges in the field of Interactive Media and Learning (IML), striving towards a research and teaching field for mobile learning. The theoretical background is provided and arguments are listed, specifically what challenges researchers, practitioners (e.g., teachers, employers, employees) and designers face today on the way to mobile learning. This will be done from an educational perspective, in particular from Educational Technology from a Scandinavian community. The leading issue is how to educate the Homo Interneticus? Is learning supported by mobile devices one option? Is there a need to rethink the learning spaces of today? The paper provides answers by illustrating challenges in research and teaching with regard to mobile learning.