Mobile Learning and Creativity Workshop at EC-TEL2012

Organizers: Ilona Buchem, Isa Jahnke & Carl Smith
The Mobile Learning and Creativity Workshop (MLCW12) is a full-day workshop devoted to sharing and designing innovative approaches and solutions aimed at fostering creative learning with mobile technologies such as iPads, smartphones or other online surf plates. :-) We invite students, educators, instructional designers, teachers, researchers, practitioners and developers to share and create innovative, creative mobile learning scenarios and new applications utilizing multiple perspectives and collective intelligence of the participants.
The key challenge is how to design "learning to be creative" when the answer to the problem is not known? (Gerhard Fischer, 2011). The topics of interest include:
- Theories, pedagogies and models for creative learning and enhancing creative skills
- Didactical designs enhanced by mobile devices
- Learning design approaches to enhancing creative learning including design patterns
- Development methodologies for creative mobile learning
- Innovative mobile applications and tools for fostering creative learning
- Innovative mobile user interfaces for creativity including concepts and products
- User stories, case studies and evaluations of creative mobile learning
- Future visions for creative mobile learning including frameworks and methodologies
Further information on
Call for papers
We invite different types of contributions ranging from work in
progress, demonstrations and results from research and practice,
academia and commerce. Authors are invited to submit original
unpublished research as extended abstracts (max. 4 pages) by June 11th, 2012
via the EasyChair conference system (to be opened soon). Extended
abstracts should include description of the creativity concept
underlying presented work and empirical research results. Since the
approach is interdisciplinary, the workshop seeks to attract different
participants, including students, school and university teachers,
instructional designers, researchers, practitioners and developers.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be able to submit short (max. 6 pages) and full papers (max. 14 pages). Papers reviewed and selected by the Programme Committee will be published in the special edition of the International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning under the patronage of the London Mobile Learning Group,
Ilona Buchem
Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin
Department I Economics and Social Sciences
Digital Media Studies
Isa Jahnke
Umeå University
Department of Applied Educational Science
Interactive Media and Learning (IML)
Carl Smith
London Metropolitan University
Learning Technology Research Institute
Program Committee
- Ilona Buchem (Beuth University of Applied Science, Germany)
- John Cook (London Metropolitan University, London Mobile Learning Group, UK)
- Sean Goggins, (iSchool, Drexel University, USA)
- Isa Jahnke (Umeå University, Sweden)
- Piet Kommers (University of Twente, Learning and Media Department, Netherlands)
- Jennifer Masters (LaTrobe University, ICT in Education, Australia)
- Norbert Pachler (University of London, London Mobile Learning Group, UK)
- Wolfgang Reinhard (University of Paderborn, Germany)
- Barbara Wasson (Bergen University, Pedagogical Information Science, Norway)
- Martin Wolpers (Fraunhofer FIT, Germany)