NKUL Keynote - Norway's National conference on the use of ICT in education


Two exciting events!

It is soooooo exciting that I have been invited as keynote speaker to Trondheim, Norway in May 2018! More than 1,400 teachers and school leaders from all over Norway did join the conference that focused on the use of ICT (digital technology) in education and learning. Woohoo! And I did one of the keynote speeches! Thanks so much!

Download the slides as PDF file: 2018-NKUL-ijV1.pdf (38 MB)

Designing Meaningful Learning With Technologies (not From!) in CrossActionSpaces
on May 8, 2018, at 9.00am, Norwegian Time - @NTNU University in Trondheim
@NKUL2018: https://www.nkul.no/

Abstract. As web-enabled mobile technologies become increasingly integrated into formal learning environments, a new kind of classroom emerge: CrossActionSpaces. These spaces can be characterized as informal-in-formal spaces in which learning takes place across traditional boundaries, for example, bridging schools, community events, and even connecting to students in higher education. The term of CrossActionSpaces provides a 'new' view on learning from the perspective of social sciences, and emphasizes a change of human action embraces new forms of teacher and student activities: from pure interaction into crossaction. From this perspective, digital technology in more than just a tool, it shapes digital communication and learner interaction spaces. Under these new conditions of 1:1 tablet classrooms the questions are: how to design for learning in CrossActionSpaces, what role plays teaching, and how to connect teaching to learning? In this keynote, Isa Jahnke presents the framework of Digital Didactical Designs (DDD) which can be applied to study, evaluate and reflect on educational practices toward deep and meaningful learning expeditions in schools. Teacher and students become co-designers of learning. In her presentation, Isa Jahnke will provide examples from 1:1 tablet classrooms.

Isa Jahnke was project leader of "Design för digital didaktik?" funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) in which the team studied 1:1 tablet classrooms in Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Isa also had the opportunity to visit schools in Oslo. She will present results from these studies which are published in different journals, for example, in an Open Access article, Computers & Education:  https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2017.05.006

And there is even more!

From Consumers and ProSumers to Designers of learning: Students as Co-designers of Learning Expeditions in CrossActionSpaces
on May 4, 2018, at 13.50-14.35, Norwegian Time - @NTNU University in Trondheim
@Laeringsfestivalen 2018https://www.ntnu.no/laeringsfestivalen

You also had the chance to join my presentation at Laeringsfestivalen 2018 in Session 6c: "From Consumers and ProSumers to Designers of learning: Students as Co-designers of Learning Expeditions in CrossActionSpaces", read more https://www.ntnu.no/web/laeringsfestivalen/sesjonsbeskrivelser#6c  .

Download the slides here, PDF: 2018-Laeringsfestivalen2018-ijV2.pdf (27 MB)