#REV2020 Keynote and Slides

Abstract. As emergent technologies become increasingly integrated
into formal learning environments, a new kind of classroom emerge:
CrossActionSpaces. These spaces can be characterized as informal-in-formal
spaces in which learning takes place across traditional boundaries. In
this keynote, Isa Jahnke will present meaningful learning with technologies versus learning from
technologies and the framework of Digital Didaktik Designs (DDD). DDD
can be applied to design, develop and evaluate online, blended or mobile
learning practices. Examples of real classrooms will be illustrated.
Just a side note: Didactics in the North American discourse and Didaktik
as evolved in Europe have completely different meanings.
I was invited give a keynote at the engineering #REV2020 conference in Athens, GA. The conference features remote labs and virtual instrumentation studies and project from across the globe.
Program: https://www.conftool.com/rev-conference/sessions.php
Current REV website: https://www.rev-conference.org/current/
My keynote had the title:
"Meaningful - active student centered - Learning With Technologies"
Here are my slides to download
Also here: