Exploring the Possibilities of Smart Glasses in a Dentistry Study Program
Hands-free technology: Exploring the possibilities of 'smart' glasses / MU News Release
Our study is in the MU News release! Already published in 2019 - however, now the
University of Missouri-Columbia picked it up. In our chapter with Eva
Marell-Olsson & myself, we explored the possibilities of hands-free
technology of smart' glasses and have studied the benefits of wearable
technology (e.g., Google Glass) in the workplace in the context of Umeå
University's dentistry study program in Sweden.
The MU News Release is online available at https://showme.missouri.edu/2020/hands-free-technology-exploring-the-possibilities-of-smart-glasses/
Eva Mårell-Olsson & Isa Jahnke (2019). Wearable Technology in a Dentistry Study Program: Potential and Challenges of Smart Glasses for Learning at the Workplace. In: I. Buchem, R. Klamma, & F. Wild
(Eds), Perspectives on Wearable Enhanced Learning (WELL), (pp. 433-451). New York: Springer. Available at https://www.springer.com/gb/book/9783319643007