Tablets & Learning: the Mindset on the Move

We have exciting news.
a) Our research work has been recently accepted for publishing in high quality conference proceedings of EC-TEL2014 (European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning) and ACM GROUP'14 (Supporting Groupwork).
b) We happy that our research in the Danish Odder Kommune has appreciated in the 3rd year of their tablet project. Slides are available online (see below). We are very happy for getting feedback to our results from may different stakeholders such as teachers, pupils, leaders and municipal actors.
- Lars Norqvist presented" Students' perspectives on Learning: Learners Expressed Values
- We presented: A new mindset in Odder towards teaching and learning Odder2014-08-VisionDay.pdf (ca 5 MB)
Odder Kommune is on Danish TV (28 Aug 2014) and our research is mentioned there:
c) We have a new cooperation with Marko Kuuskorpi from City of Kaarina in Finland. The municipality has bought tablets for all their 3,000 pupils and teachers.
d) New publications
Isa Jahnke, Lars Norqvist, Andreas Olsson (2014).
Digital Didactical Designs of Learning Expeditions. In: The 9th ECTEL2014 conference proceedings (full paper).
Lars Norqvist, Isa Jahnke, Andreas Olsson (2014).
The Learners' Expressed Values of Learning in a Media Tablet Learning Culture. In: 9th ECTEL2014 conference proceedings (short paper).
Isa Jahnke, Niels V. Svendsen, Simon K. Johannsen, & Pär-Ola Zander (2014).
The Dream About the Magic Silver Bullet - the Complexity of Designing for Tablet-Mediated Learning. In: ACM GROUP 2014 conference proceedings.