Tablets in Teacher Education (2012)

#UmeåPTE / Media Tablets & Didactics in higher edcucation
The department of Tillämpad utbildningsvetenskap (Applied Educational Science) at Umeå University started a project within the preschool teacher education. 15 unviersity teachers and intructors got iPads in April 2012 and approx. 55 preschool student teachers got iPads in June 2012. In workshops titled "digital didactical designs", the university teachers collaborate in order to redesign their courses. The project group accompany the teachers and the new students cohort until they have finished their preschool teacher study programme.
Project leading group:
Ewa Gruffman, Kenneth Ekström, Helena Rosqvist, Krister Lindwall, Peter Vinnervik, Isa Jahnke
Collaborators: Lars Norqvist, Andreas Olsson
Professor Isa Jahnke