Presentation at TigerPlace 'Sociotechnical Design'

I got a nice invitation by Professor Marjorie Skubic to present our work of SocioTechnical Design at the Center for Eldercare and Rehabilitation Technology, Electrical and Computer Engineering | University of Missouri.
March 4, 2016
at 3.30pm
Tiger Place (Columbia, MO)
Sociotechnical Design - Amplifying User Experience Studies with the SocioTechnical Walkthrough (STWT)
It is not a secret that the integration of both, the social and the technical parts, is crucial for the future success of a sociotechnical system, product, service or work flow. While many projects refer to usability and whether Apps are usable for the endusers or not, the SocioTechnical discourse is often overlooked. The crucial part is not only to build the new technology, it is rather the question, how well integrated is the new technology into the context of its use so as to make it useful for diverse groups of users. One approach to address this challenge is called the SocioTechnical Walkthrough (STWT). It considers the phases of design-before and design-in-use, and prepares the end users as co-designers for the co-evolutionary growth of its sociotechnical system in practice (Fischer & Herrmann, 2011). The presentation illustrates the STWT as a means for knowledge integration (Herrmann, Loser, Jahnke, 2007), challenges and future developments