UX4LX: User Experience Methods for Evaluating and Improving Learning Experience 


UX4LX Workshop

The goal of this half-day workshop is to introduce user experience (UX) methods for designing a positive learner experience (LX) with digital technologies, an area in which UX is under-utilized. Participants will develop an understanding of UX for LX through hands-on projects. As editors of the edited volume Learner and User Experience Research: An Introduction for the Field of Learning Design & Technology, we will invite prospective chapter authors for potential publication.


Isa Jahnke, University of Missouri-Columbia

Matthew Schmidt, University of Florida

Andrew Tawfik, University of Memphis

Yvonne Earnshaw, University of Memphis


AECT 2020, Association for Educational Communications & Technology https://aect.org/convregis.php

Register for the online workshop here:

https://aect.org/convworkshops.php or https://aect.org/workshopregistration.php

Day/Time: Thursday, October 29, 2PM - 5PM Eastern