Zeit-Konferenz and German Telekom Foundation about 'Digitalization in Schools in Germany'

The 'Die Zeit' (German Newspaper) and the 'Deutsche Telekom Stiftung' invited me as
expert in the field of tablets on schools in Scandinavia. The conference took place on Nov/19, 2015 in Berlin. The focus of the conference was how to
support and design teaching and learning in the digital age. Instead of
asking, 'if' schools face a digital challenge and 'if' they should act,
the main message was that schools have the responsibility on 'how to
design' teaching and learning in German schools.
In the afternoon, there was an International session with contributions from Switzerland, Netherlands and Sweden/Denmark (my contribution from Swedish and Danish views).
It was a very active conference, more than 450 participants, very nice discussions, sometimes a lot of controversies. Twitter hashtag #zksb15
Here is further information but in German only:
- Ablauf/ Programm https://www.zeit-konferenzen.de/schule
- Twitter https://twitter.com/hashtag/zksb15?src=hash
- Im Radio https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/zeit-konferenz-schule-bildung-schule-der-zukunft-alles.680.de.html?dram:article_id=337196
- Audio - Internationaler Vergleich https://ondemand-mp3.dradio.de/file/dradio/upload/campus/zeit-konferenz-international.mp3 / Digitale Schule - ein internationaler Vergleich [AUDIO]