My CV Update

Professor Dr. Isa Jahnke is scientific leader of group "ICT, media and learning" at Umeå University in Sweden at the Department of Applied Educational Sciences, Devision of Interactive Media and Learning (IML). After her Diplom degree in social science (1997), she worked at Prognos and Krups Consultants (1998-2001) and went back to the University in 2001, University of Dortmund, "Informatik and Society" (Dept. Computer Science). After her dissertation in 2005 in sociology and educational science about the Dynamic of Social Roles in Sociotechnical Learning Communities, she was post-doctoral researcher at Ruhr-Universität Bochum at Information- and Technology Management (2006-2008). Isa Jahnke was assistant professor at the Center for Research on Higher Education (Didaktik-Center), TU Dortmund from 2008-2011. Her research stays included the L3D Center for Lifelong Learning, University of Colorado at Boulder/USA in 2007 and the University of Florida in Gainesville/USA, Educational Technology Program in 2012. Her different scientific positions led to a strong interdisciplinary approach embracing sociology, computer- and educational sciences.
Isa Jahnke is leading the research group "ICTML:Digital Didactics". The group studies Digital Didactical Designs from different perspectives: bridging nonformal and formal learning, knowledge co-construction in mobile learning, game-based learning in teacher education and blended learning focusing on creative teaching spaces to enable learning. Currently, the group conducts several projects like "Odder: iPad-Didactics in Danish schools" and "Umeå: iPads in higher education at the example of preschool teacher education" and "mobile iPad lab in higher education".
Isa Jahnke is co-chair of the International conference ACM Group'14
together with Sean P. Goggins, Drexel/USA. She was conference chair of
IML2011, DOSS2010 and HDHF2009. She is editorial board member of the
international journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge development
(ijSKD) and INNOQUAL, Quality in e-learning, and reviewer for several
journals and conferences, for instance, ijCSCL, ijCSCW, CTS, IEEE TLT,
ijMBL, ZFHE, ijWBC, GMW, Delfi etc. Recently finished grants are DaVINCI
(BMBF, Germany) where the teacher's conceptions on students' creativity
have been studied, and the EU-project PeTEX, Platform for eLearning and
Telemetric Experimentation. She has more than 80 publications including
double-blind peer reviewed papers, conferences and book chapters. The
new edited book by Sean P. Goggins, Isa Jahnke and Volker Wulf entitled
"Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning at Work" (Springer) will be
published in May 2013. The book contributes to a new research agenda in
the era of Social Media bridging 'learning what is known' and 'learning
when the answer is not known'. It is addressed to all people, researchers and teachers who understand themselves as "learners at the workplace".
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