Teaching Online Courses - Basis Principles for Asychronous Learning (ZOOM Webinar)


With the onset of COVID-19, there is a sudden need for "remote teaching". Remote teaching is often applied as synchronous online teaching (i.e., moving the lecture hall into Zoom). Such ZOOM meetings may include active or gamified elements, but are still teacher-centered. However, as we know from research, active student-centered approaches lead to increased student performance and improved learning outcomes (Freeman et al., 2014). How to do this online?

One approach is asynchronous learning with student-centered activities. Student-centered learning activities are those in which the learner will be asked not only to listen to podcasts, watch videos, or read literature but in which students apply the readings, critically analyze the video, or create novel artifacts (e.g., products, tools, studies, experiments). Such a student-centered learning design includes the constructive alignment of a) goals (syllabus), b) student activities, c) assessment, d) social relationships, and e) meaningful use of tools (e.g., Voicethread). There are many tools in Canvas that support asynchronous learning with student-centered activities.

In this ZOOM webinar, Dr. Jane Howland and Dr. Isa Jahnke introduce basic design principles for remote teaching focusing on asynchronous learning. We will share our experience of online teaching at the MU College of Education's SISLT and introduce the summer course of IS_LT 9484 "Teaching Online Courses". Dr. Howland is an expert in teaching online classes for more than 20 years. Dr. Jahnke has taught hybrid classes since 2001 and online classes since 2015.

Thursday, April/30, 2020, at 1pm-2pm


Dr. Jane Howland and Dr. Isa Jahnke, jahnkei@missouri.edu

School of Information Science and Learning Technologies  https://sislt.missouri.edu/
at the MU College of Education, University of Missouri-Columbia